Cloud migration is a complex procedure with multiple paths and no one-size-fits-all approach. In order to determine the best migration route for your organization, it’s critical to evaluate your current IT landscape and work with a partner who brings large-scale migration expertise and state-of-the-art tools.

With proven methodologies and approaches, our experience in servicing enterprise cloud migration journeys will help you avoid repeating common migration mistakes and build scalable, cost-effective solutions for your business needs. Whether it’s public, private, or a multi-cloud setup or you’re looking at re-platforming, re-hosting, re-factoring your applications or going hybrid, irrespective of the cloud platform you choose – Torry Harris can assist you at every step of your cloud migration journey.

Cloud migration success

Outdated infrastructure in a digitally first environment

An Ireland-based telco, which first launched in 2012, had since lost its luster in a digitally driven mobile market and eventually struggled to scale its applications. The telco was due for a major overhaul of their its digital infrastructure, which was impeding overall network availability and driving up infrastructure and license costs. Scalability issues also affected the company’s capability to respond to customer queries during peak hours.

Our approach to cloud migration

Our Migration Process

Due Diligence
Impact Assessment
Migration and Rollback Solution Design
Migration Sandbox Environment Setup
Migration Prototyping
Migration Script Development and Prelim Testing
Failure Simulation and Rollback Dry Run
Iterative Migration Execution

Due Diligence

Due diligence phase ensures the availability of all the pre-migration checklist items so that we ensure the readiness to start the analysis work.

Impact Assessment

Keeping the target state as a reference, this step is performed to assess customer journey compatibility, data compatibility, User Interface compatibility, External Interfaces compatibility and Data Integration compatibility. The impact should be documented and will involve different teams within your enterprise to be consulted over a series of deep-dive workshop sessions.

Migration and Rollback Solution Design

Based on the impact analysis, the technical solution is created and documented. This contains information such as criteria for selection of customer data subset, sequence, user journeys, etc; and the logic for migration in the forms of flow charts and sequence diagrams. Sanity testing approach and rollback approach is identified and documented. The scope extends to User Interface channels. Integration layer and Source/Target systems.

Migration Sandbox Environment Setup

One of the challenges faced by most enterprises is lack of “playground” area with production-like data to develop and test any migration solutions. In most cases, the combination and variety of data in development and test environments of legacy apps. This step is to build a sandbox environment along with data setup. In alignment with your IT Governance and regulatory restrictions, data from production can be loaded in the sandbox after de-sensitization and anonymization. Similarly, a sandbox on the target cloud system should be made available.

Migration Prototyping

Once the data in sandboxes in source and target systems are ready, key assumptions and high-risk scenarios are validated by creating series of prototypes. Based on the result of the prototype, the design/approach/steps/etc are updated. Prototyping phase should include validating the rollback strategies as well.

Migration Script Development and Prelim Testing

Based on the results of the prototype, migration scripts are developed and tested iteratively in the sandbox environment. This includes simultaneous changes to the channels to create the environment as close as possible to the target Blue-Green deployment strategy. The rollback strategy should extend to the channels as well. Once the migration/parallel run is simulated in the Sandbox environment, a dry run is conducted in the production environment with limited scope to detect any surprises.

Failure Simulation and Rollback Dry Run

Based on the dry run, failure scenarios are identified and addressed in the migration scripts, Channels and Integration flows. Errors are simulated and rollback is tested in the Sandbox. Once working in the sandbox, a dry run of rollback is conducted on Production.

Iterative Migration Execution

Based on all the previous steps, the migration solution is industrialized and integrated in the production environment to kick start the phase-by-phase migration. Any further surprises (should be minimal at this stage) are addressed and fixed in the migration solution.


After extended period of parallel run, and after migration of all user data, processes, etc. the legacy system is decommissioned. The integration layer is simplified and all calls to legacy are removed. The new Cloud system functions as the master. The channel specific routing changes are retained to support Blue/green deployment strategy for future enhancements.

What cloud migration services do you need?

Monolith legacy application to cloud-native migration

Our expertise

  • Application study, identify code seams, and decompose into microservices
  • Design and develop the microservice components progressively by gradually reducing the dependency on the monolith
  • Setup a cloud-native architecture to containerize and scale using Docker and Kubernetes
  • Manage, control and monitor the use of these microservices using a Service Mesh
  • Deploy in a public or private cloud that best fits your enterprise and operational needs
  • Establish DevOps and CI/CD pipelines

Tools & solutions

  • Cloud migration assessment questionnaire and workbook
  • Legacy to cloud-native kit
  • Sentinel – our in-house cloud cost optimization and unified monitoring solution
  • Third-party tools like Infra-as-a-Code solutions such as Ansible, Terraform, etc.
  • THIS DevOps Reference Framework

SaaS enablement of your digital offering

Our expertise

  • Re-architect your online product or service into a SaaS application
  • Define the SaaS enablement approach based on your multi-tenancy and FinOps (Cost Optimization) requirements
  • Introduce multi-tenancy into your data model, identity management and application layers
  • Define the SaaS architectural topology on the chosen cloud service for scale, replication, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery
  • Migrate data from your traditional service to target architecture
  • Define a CI/CD, DevOps, and/or Platform Engineering model for the development and operations lifecycle of your SaaS application

Tools & solutions

  • Legacy to cloud-native kit
  • Cloud migration automation tools
  • Third-party tools like Infra-as-a-Code solutions such as Ansible, Terraform, etc.

Cloud-to-cloud migration

Our expertise

  • Defining the strategy and approach to migrate your services and applications from one cloud to another without impacting its functionality and data
  • Mapping one public cloud service’s block to another and defining custom solutions to fill the gaps, if any
  • Enhance your integration maturity to support hybrid integration across cloud and on-premise
  • Migrating your application from:
    • AWS to GCP
    • GCP to AWS
    • AWS to Azure
    • GCP to Azure

Tools & solutions

  • Cloud migration automation tools
  • Third-party tools like Infra-as-a-Code solutions such as Ansible, Terraform, etc.

Establishing multi-cloud architecture

Our expertise

  • Define a multi-cloud strategy for your enterprise to minimize risk and single-provider dependency using a combination of multiple public cloud providers and private cloud stacks.
  • Use case-based multi-cloud fitment
  • Define and implement the data synchronization and security solution to fit your use cases.
  • Enhance your integration maturity to support multi-cloud architecture.
  • Define an operational cost optimization strategy for multi-cloud.

Tools & solutions

  • Cloud migration assessment questionnaire and workbook
  • Third-party tools like Infra-as-a-Code solutions such as Ansible, Terraform, etc.

Migrating a non-premise application to a hybrid cloud model

Our expertise

  • Identify candidates for Re-host, re-platform or re-architect your on-premise applications
  • Define a hybrid-cloud architecture that best fits your needs using a combination of public cloud providers and private cloud stacks.
  • Defining the approach and topology for data, identity management and security
  • Containerizing your on-premise applications for auto-scale using Docker and Kubernetes
  • Live migration of VMs from on-premise to cloud to support capacity augmentation and cost optimization

Tools & solutions

  • Cloud migration assessment questionnaire and workbook
  • Legacy to cloud-native kit
  • Sentinel – our in-house cloud cost optimization and unified monitoring solution

Migrating your legacy applications to serverless architecture

Our expertise

  • Re-design your legacy web services and applications into a serverless architecture using the chosen public cloud service
  • Design the AWS Lambda functions for specific application use cases that replace your in-house capability
  • Re-design and migrate internal applications to Azure Serverless for microservices, functions and AppService
  • Re-design and migrate internal applications and services to Google GCP serverless capabilities such as cloud run, cloud functions and service integration.

Tools & solutions

  • Cloud migration assessment questionnaire and workbook
  • Sentinel – our in-house cloud cost optimization and unified monitoring solution

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