Microservices have potential for both great benefit and great harm for your enterprise agility. The central idea is to craft better software modularity, thereby allowing your diverse teams to achieve continuous business innovation without getting in each other’s way. But if done incorrectly, this modularity creates unmanaged complexity. Torry Harris knows how to establish the tooling, discipline, and design practices to ensure you get the benefit and avoid the pitfalls of microservices.

What we do for microservice architecture and creation

Our microservices consultants help you in…

Ensuring your teams understand the do’s and don'ts of microservices, where and how they deliver benefit and when not to use them.

Design and train your teams in the governance and delivery processes needed to keep microservices on track.

Establishing the tools, platforms, and practices needed not only for the microservices themselves, but just as importantly for the complex design, configuration, deployment, and production operations aspects of microservices.

Set the right patterns and policies for using containers, microservice frameworks, gateways, microgateways, service mesh, and diverse application runtimes (e.g., Node.js, Go, Java, .NET Core, etc.) along with legacy renewal strategies and tools.

Using our factory model to quickly and flexibly deliver the microservices that will drive your business forward.

Conducting workshops to coach your teams on where and how to apply microservices.

Success stories

Torry Harris builds Airtel’s digital enablement platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris in implementing Integration and digital transformation projects.
Torry Harris helps Three Ireland to optimize its BSS transformation program
Paul O' Hanlon, Technical Architect and Head of Integration at Three Ireland, talks about the reasons for choosing Torry Harris among other digital transformation and API management companies for their API Gateway and his experience executing Three’s BSS transformation program with Torry Harris
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Torry Harris helps Tigo Tanzania drive financial inclusivity for a majorly underbanked population
Tigo Tanzania is a leading telecommunications and mobile money service provider in Africa. In this video IT Director, Victor Matefu talks about how Torry Harris Integration Solutions powered Tigo's transformative journey to accelerate financial inclusion and revolutionize the mobile money ecosystem in Tanzania.

Our microservices architecture design, approach and tools

Modernize your legacy applications by adopting our robust framework

To achieve microservice benefits while avoiding the huge pitfalls, your enterprise must have strong architecture and discipline to use tools and collaboration in the right ways. To build your competency and success with microservices, we ensure a strong
understanding of:

  • What makes good microservice architecture and design different from, and complementary to, other software patterns
  • How to design and evolve coherent portfolios of microservices so that teams can leverage each others' work without getting in each others' way
  • How the principles of cloud native architecture, DevOps, continuous integration - continuous delivery, and agile governance meld with and drive success for microservices
  • How and when to use microservices - and when not to - so as to maximize appropriate use, especially in relation to legacy applications
  • How to create blended, cross-functional teams around business domains, which are a critical boundary for creating inter-team collaboration and independenc

What aspect of microservices do you need to improve?

Microservice architecture and platforms

What is our expertise?

  • Cloud Native architecture for Microservice design
  • API and service design
  • Microservices frameworks and product selection and fitment
  • Digital experience platforms
  • Microservice goals and principles
  • Microservice patterns and anti-patterns
  • Site reliability engineering
  • Alignment of Microservices with traditional integration
  • Hybrid Integration Platform

What tools do we use?

  • Container platforms (Kubernetes)
  • Service meshes (Istio, LinkerD)
  • Gateways
  • Microgateways
  • Microservice frameworks
  • Microservice monitoring and observability

Microservice design and governance

What is our expertise?

  • Software modularity
  • Domain-driven design
  • Microservice design
  • Design for security
  • Design for resilience
  • Integration de-centralization using Cloud Native model

What tools do we use?

  • THIS library of microservice principles and best practices
  • Team models
  • Governance models
  • Decision matrices for microservices
  • Torry Harris DevOps Framework / Toolkit (diagram below)

Microservice strategy and maturity

What is our expertise?

  • Business case dynamics for microservices
  • Major usage scenarios (e.g., backend for frontend, legacy renewal, high volume sites)
  • Application strategy
  • Cloud strategy and Cloud Native alignment
  • Software lifecycles and team structure
  • DevOps and CI-CD

What tools do we use?

  • THIS microservice maturity model
  • Workshops
  • Business strategy alignment framework
  • CICD frameworks for best practices
  • Chaos Engineering Tools

Microservice creation

What is our expertise?

  • Application-level (macro) patterns for microservice-based solutions
  • Patterns leveraging multiple and individual microservices
  • Building Microservices at scale using the Factory delivery model
  • Legacy decomposition
  • Augmenting and extending Full-stacks with Microservices

What tools do we use?

  • Decision matrices for pattern selection
  • Multiple runtimes and technologies (e.g., Node.JS, Java/SpringBoot, Vert.X, GraphQL, Go, Kafka Streams, etc)
  • THIS factory model for delivery
  • Torry Harris DevOps Reference implementation (diagram below)
  • Legacy integration frameworks and tools

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