In an exclusive interview with Riyadh Daily, Shivdayal Charan, Director of Torry Harris Business Solutions (THBS) for the Middle East region, discusses how API-driven solutions and digital transformation are reshaping Saudi Arabia’s economy. As the Kingdom accelerates its Vision 2030 initiatives, Torry Harris plays a pivotal role in equipping Saudi’s local governments & businesses with the essential tools and strategies to succeed in the fast-evolving digital era
One of Torry Harris’ standout innovations is SMART Souq, an AI-powered marketplace solution, which will be showcased at LEAP 2025. Built on the 4Sight AI engine, SMART Souq connects suppliers, distributors, and consumers seamlessly on a unified platform, addressing key challenges in Saudi Arabia’s eCommerce landscape. With a strong focus on digital marketplace solutions, API-led connectivity, cloud and data services, Torry Harris is ready to work with Saudi businesses, government & public sector entities to optimize their operations, embrace digital transformation, and align their strategies with Vision 2030.