
Even in a pre-COVID world back in 2014, which seems decades ago, Citi CEO Michael Corbat said: “In many ways, we see ourselves as a technology company with a banking license”. The relevance, truth and opportunity of this perspective now takes on new significance.

SMEs in particular, hard hit by physical constraints, acutely need to be digitally connected and empowered towards identifying sales and service opportunities. Banks and FI’s can offer this through bundling their core services and functionality along with digital enablement tools. Curation through security and finance would easily make them a one stop shop.

Banks and financial institutions, at the core, have always been marketplaces offering meet-and-match services, financial empowerment, providing security and curation of transactions to drive a predictable outcome. Fast-forward to 2020, you now have improved connectivity with 5G, monetizable APIs and Microservices, providing you the ability to become a true enabler and systems integrator, offering your core assets in an as-a-service model to the participants on your marketplace.

In this Fintech Futures webinar (in association with Torry Harris Integration Solutions - THIS), expert speakers focused on:

  1. How to empower SMEs and customers in the current climate through providing them digital revenue opportunities
  2. How to marry legacy systems with new technologies to deliver your differentiators
  3. How offering APIs and Microservices are your new tools of trade
  4. Real-life examples of how APIs and Microservices have fuelled business transformation

On-Demand Webinar

By Martin Stiller and Thomas Zink

Past Webinars

Webinar: Microservices Governance: Best practices for CSPs - Part 1
Webinar: Microservices Governance: Best practices for CSPs - Part 2
Practical use-cases to monetise Open Banking APIs – Part 1
Practical use-cases to monetise Open Banking APIs – Part 2
A guide to monetising your APIs
5G Future: Business models for monetisation
Role of SOA/APIs in Digital Transformation

What's New


The Rise of Marketplace-Banking
Modern financial ecosystems afforded by Open-Banking APIs are steadily changing the nature of banking. Open-Banking is gaining popularity with consumers and banks through the relatively new phenomenon of marketplace-banking. Marketplace-banking is attractive to consumers because it provides a wealth of new services via their bank’s app.


Concierge Bank™
Concierge Bank™, a marketplace-banking product by Torry Harris is helping banks worldwide to offer innovative new products to customers through an API-driven marketplace solution and a simple user interface.


Digital Transformation in Financial and Banking Industry
Torry Harris works with large financial institutions in charting out and implementing their Digital (API) roadmaps to bring Digital Transformation in Banking and Insurance. We assist businesses to create new digital ecosystems and monetize their assets enabling banking-as-a-platform. Get in touch now!
Up next:Torry Harris enables API
driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Client testimonials
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Up next:Torry Harris builds Airtel’s
Digital Enablement Platform
Client testimonials
Torry Harris enables API driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Andrew Ralston, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Pure Planet, Britain’s first app-based renewable energy supplier, talks about Torry Harris being a trusted advisor in helping them build a meaningful digital ecosystem.
Up next:Torry Harris helps Schneider
Electricto integrate over 21 ERPsacross
40 countries
Client testimonials
Torry Harris builds Airtel’s Digital Enablement Platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris.