Source: B2C Mobile App-Dev Shops For Large Enterprises, Forrester Research, Inc., Report: 26 October 2016

Analyst(s): Liz Herbert and Jeffrey S. Hammond

Forrester Research interviewed 26 vendor companies, including Torry Harris for the report “Vendor Landscape: B2C Mobile App-Dev Shops For Large Enterprises.” According to Forrester, “Digital agencies, tech services firms, and consultancies all have their niche in the realm of mobile app development. You need to first identify your project’s focus (e.g., customer experience, transformation and change management, integration). You can then pick the partner with the appropriate skills and tools to deliver it.”

Forrester mentioned Torry Harris among the technology services firms for B2C mobile services and noted, “THBS works with a handful of very large clients on large or complex B2C initiatives. THBS has significant B2C experience in the Middle East in areas such as e-Government and energy.”

*Read the complete report on Forrester’s website (access requires subscription).

Vendor Landscape: B2C Mobile App-Dev Shops For Large Enterprises

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