
Impact of technological advancements on Global Capability Centers

- Shyamala Rajan

The role of Global Capability Centers (GCCs) has become crucial in the operational strategies of multinational companies, providing a combination of cost efficiency, skilled talent, and innovation. In 2024, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), cloud technology, and digital ecosystems is reshaping the landscape for GCCs. These technological advancements are not only improving operational efficiencies but also empowering GCCs to take on a more strategic role within their parent organizations. This article delves into the various impacts of these technologies on GCCs and their implications for the future.

The evolution of GCCs

GCCs have undergone a significant transformation from cost-saving offshore units to becoming strategic hubs that drive innovation, manage complex processes, and provide valuable business insights. This evolution has been primarily fueled by advancements in technology and the pressing need for businesses to maintain their competitiveness in a fast-paced global market. In 2024, GCCs are leveraging AI, cloud technology, and digital ecosystems to enhance their operations further and deliver even greater value.

The role of AI in GCCs

AI has become a pivotal force in the evolution of GCCs. Modern GCCs are leveraging AI to spearhead innovation and strategic growth. They are tapping into a global talent pool equipped with the latest technology and training needed to stay ahead of industry trends. A staggering 80% of new GCCs prioritize AI/ML (machine learning) capabilities, reflecting the growing importance of these technologies in driving organizational growth and innovation. Enterprises are fundamentally reinventing how they operate to realize AI’s potential. This has led to the rise of the modern GCC as a business reinvention engine.

Enhanced decision-making

The use of AI-powered analytics and machine learning algorithms has significantly enhanced the ability of GCCs to make informed, data-driven decisions with increased precision and speed. Specifically, predictive analytics have enabled GCCs to proactively forecast market trends, streamline supply chains, and elevate the overall quality of customer experiences. By meticulously analyzing extensive datasets, AI has unlocked valuable patterns and insights that were previously inaccessible, thereby facilitating more strategic and informed decision-making within GCCs.

Automation and efficiency

The implementation of AI-driven automation is actively streamlining repetitive and time-consuming tasks within GCCs. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is being leveraged to automate routine processes like data entry, report generation, and customer service. This strategic utilization is liberating human resources for more complex and value-added activities, leading to enhanced efficiency and a reduction in the risk of human error.

Innovation and R&D

GCCs are increasingly serving as dynamic innovation hubs for their parent organizations, with AI playing a central role in driving this shift. AI-powered research and development (R&D) initiatives are equipping GCCs to pioneer the development of new products, services, and solutions. Through the strategic use of AI algorithms, GCCs can engage in advanced simulations, expedite prototyping, and enhance product designs, ultimately fostering a culture of ongoing innovation.

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Cloud technology and its impact

Cloud technology empowers GCCs with the flexibility to adapt operations to meet demand and fosters seamless collaboration between teams across different locations. The widespread shift towards remote work has spurred GCCs to embrace more adaptable work models, such as remote and hybrid arrangements. By leveraging digital collaboration tools and cloud infrastructure, GCCs are redefining the workplace of the future.

Scalability and flexibility

Cloud computing presents GCCs with unprecedented scalability and adaptability. Through cloud infrastructure, GCCs can seamlessly adjust their operations to meet demand fluctuations without having to make substantial investments in physical infrastructure. This flexibility is especially advantageous for GCCs managing varying workloads or seasonal business surges.

Cost efficiency

Embracing the cloud enhances cost efficiency for GCCs. Through the adoption of a pay-as-you-go model, GCCs can optimize their IT spending, reduce overhead costs, and allocate resources more effectively. This newfound financial flexibility empowers GCCs to direct resources toward strategic initiatives and innovation instead of being hindered by fixed infrastructure costs.

Enhanced collaboration

The utilization of cloud platforms allows for smooth collaboration between GCC and the parent company. Cloud-based tools and applications facilitate real-time communication, file sharing, and project management, thereby enhancing productivity and cultivating a cohesive work environment. This is especially advantageous for GCCs supporting global operations and necessitating coordination across multiple time zones.

The role of digital ecosystems

GCCs are actively advancing their focus on accelerating digital transformation initiatives. They are evolving from simply serving as tech centers to actively engaging as strategic business partners with enterprises. A significant trend in 2024 is the progression of GCCs into dynamic "digital twins" of their headquarters, effectively mirroring all functions and operations. This transition will enable seamless collaboration, synchronized decision-making, and the development of a unified organizational structure.

Integration and interoperability

Digital ecosystems are transforming the way GCCs interact with their parent organizations, clients, and partners. By integrating various digital platforms, tools, and applications, GCCs can achieve seamless interoperability, streamline workflows, and enhance overall efficiency. This integration is critical for GCCs managing complex, multi-faceted operations across different business units.

Innovation and co-creation

Digital ecosystems are instrumental in driving innovation and co-creation by facilitating collaboration between GCCs and external partners, startups, and academia. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of open innovation, empowering GCCs to leverage external expertise, share knowledge, and co-develop solutions, ultimately propelling digital transformation and creating new business opportunities.

Enhanced customer experiences

Digital ecosystems empower GCCs to provide personalized and seamless customer experiences. By integrating customer data from various touchpoints, GCCs can gain a holistic view of the customer journey, leading to the identification of pain points and the creation of tailored solutions. This approach not only enhances satisfaction but also plays a crucial role in driving customer loyalty and retention.

Challenges and considerations

The evolving landscape of GCCs requires a proactive approach to address the following challenges:

  • Striking a balance between innovation and cost-effectiveness to meet the imperative demand for transformation.
  • Embracing a solution-focused mindset and fostering collaborative partnerships when exploring new business models.
  • Maximizing value through engagement with local innovation ecosystems and leveraging external innovation networks.
  • Proactively addressing the challenge of sourcing and retaining skilled professionals in emerging technologies.
  • Implementing efficient strategies for managing complex multi-shore delivery models across diverse geographical locations.
  • Proactively fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment that bridges cultural differences within global teams.
  • Implementing strategies to maintain service levels during remote working, ensuring seamless operations despite the shift to remote work prompted by the pandemic.

Key considerations to drive positive change:

  • Enterprises are encouraged to assess their digital maturity levels to remain competitive in the evolving post-pandemic landscape.
  • The digital transformation journey presents an opportunity for GCCs to reimagine and revamp their existing business models.
  • Enhancing technical capabilities within GCCs to better align with the organization's broader strategic goals.
  • GCCs have the potential to drive multidisciplinary outcomes by integrating data, technology, and business processes through cross-functional collaboration.
  • GCCs can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture that ensures all employees feel valued and included, regardless of their geographical location.
  • Identifying and developing the specific skills and capabilities necessary for GCCs to meet their business objectives is vital for fostering growth and success.
  • GCCs must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • GCCs must invest in training and development programs to equip their workforce with the necessary skills in AI, cloud computing, and digital ecosystems.
  • GCCs must address resistance to change, communicate the benefits of new technologies, and involve employees in the transformation journey.

The future of GCCs

Strategic value creation

In 2024, GCCs have the opportunity to create substantial strategic value for their parent organizations. By effectively employing technological advancements like AI, cloud technology, and digital ecosystems, GCCs can drive operational efficiencies, foster innovation, and improve customer experiences. This pivotal role is likely to evolve further as GCCs become increasingly essential in the digital transformation journey of multinational corporations.

Focus on sustainability

GCCs are actively prioritizing sustainability initiatives to make a positive impact. By embracing green technologies, optimizing resource usage, and championing sustainable practices, GCCs can effectively support the environmental objectives of their parent organizations. This includes harnessing AI for energy management, implementing cloud solutions to reduce carbon footprint, and advocating sustainable supply chain practices.

Ecosystem-oriented approach

The future of GCCs depends on adopting an ecosystem-oriented approach. By cultivating strong collaborations with external partners, embracing digital platforms, and championing open innovation, GCCs can proactively drive continuous improvement and unlock new business opportunities. This forward-thinking approach will play a pivotal role in enabling GCCs to remain competitive and consistently deliver value amidst dynamic business conditions.


The ongoing integration of AI, cloud technology, and digital ecosystems in 2024 is significantly shaping the landscape for GCCs. These advancements are propelling GCCs to become vital centers for igniting innovation, streamlining operational efficiencies, and elevating customer experiences. However, this evolution also introduces challenges that require careful navigation by GCCs in order to leverage the potential of these technologies fully. Looking ahead, the outlook for GCCs is decidedly optimistic, with their strategic importance continuing to expand in the foreseeable future.

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About the author

Shyamala Rajan

Manager – Content Strategy,

Torry Harris Integration Solutions